If the account fails to authenticate on the device, the very first step is to:
- Verify the email address and password by logging in via the Outlook Web App at https://owa.onenet.co.nz
- If the mailbox cannot be accessed via the Outlook Web App, please contact your administrator to confirm that the account is not locked out and/or reset the password if necessary.
- Then, remove and re-add the account to the device.
Apple iPad or iPhone:
- If you can successfully access your mailbox via the Outlook Web App, then remove the account from the device.
- Reboot the device.
- Re-add the account to the device.
- If you can successfully access your mailbox via the Outlook Web App, then try removing and re-adding the account to the device again, but under "Domain\Username", enter the User Domain Name.
The User Domain Name can be identified in the Control Panel: click on the particular user, and under "General" tab, select "Advanced". This will be in the format "OneNetServices\alias_organisationID", where 'alias' is the part before the '@' in the email address, and 'organisationID' is the identifier issued to the organisation by OneNet. For example, Charles.Dickens@WriterzBloc.nz from the (fictional) company Writerz Bloc may have a User Domain Name of "OneNetServices\Charles.Dickens_Writerz".