
Permission Levels for Calendars or Folders in Outlook

When sharing Calendars or Folders in Outlook, there are various permission levels that can be assigned to users and groups:

  • Owner. Can create, read, modify and delete all items and files. Can create subfolders. Can modify the permission levels of other users for that folder.
  • Publishing editor. Can create, read, modify and delete all items and files. Can create subfolders.
  • Editor. Can create, read, modify and delete all items and files.
  • Publishing author. Can create and read items and files. Can create subfolders. Can modify and delete items and files created by the user who is sharing the folder.
  • Contributor. Can create items and files only. Contents of the folder do not appear.
  • Reviewer. Can read items and files.
  • Custom.
  • None. Cannot access the folder at all.
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