If a device is not receiving Windows Updates, they will eventually miss out on important security patches. These patches include updates to SSL certificates, which are used for encrypting communication between our servers and the client device.
If you are receiving any of the following errors, it is likely that your device is missing these updates.
- SSL Error 70
- "Unable to launch your application"
- Unknown Client error 0
- Connection not secure - invalid date
You can manually correct this by installing the following root certificate manually.
Download Link
Install Process
- Click on the downloaded above and run it
- Select Install Certificate
- Select Local Machine
- If prompted, all the application to run and "modify changes to this PC"
- Leave the rest as default
- Click Finish
You should now be able to connect to your Hosted Desktop.
Update Citrix Workspace/Receiver
Also ensure that you have the latest supported version of Citrix Workspace or Receiver installed. You can download the latest version from https://receiver.citrix.com
I still can't log in?
If your normal login URL is https://connect.onenet.co.nz, you may be able to log in using https://connect-test.onenet.co.nz instead. This is running the web-based version of Citrix Receiver, which has some additional limitations.