
Main Dashboard



The Dashboard page provides a graphical summary of email traffic and filtering activity for the current day.

  • Mail Direction:
    This provides a summary of email message traffic. 
    • Direction: Hover over the red (outbound) or green (inbound) sections to see the number of emails sent or received on that day.
  • Inappropriate Content:
    This section provides a summary of classified messages for each direction of email flow (excluding archive classifications
    • Content Type: Specifies the content classification.
    • Messages: Specifies the number of messages classified as this type.
    • Percent of Messages Processed: Displays a bar graph showing the percentage of the total messages processed that was classified as this type.
  • Connections Refused:
    This section provides a summary of email delivery connections that were refused, organized by the block type. Types can include one or more of the following:
    • Denial of Service: Messages or connections blocked because the service identified the remote server as conducting a denial of service attack.
    • Connection Rule: Messages refused by Connection Policy action. These can include oversize messages, messages without the required authentication, and messages from blocked senders.
    • Blocked by SpamProfiler: Messages blocked by the proprietary signature-based SpamProfiler service.
    • Blocked by IP Reputation Service: Messages blocked due to results of a query to an IP Reputation (DNS blacklist) service.
    • Relay Attempts Refused: Messages refused because the remote server is not on the list of hosts allowed to relay messages.



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